Sports Pilot Licence – SPL

Pliot Licences & Ratings

Sport Pilot License

The sport pilot license is a light form of many other piloting licenses. The restrictions and limitation on privileges offer a bit of a hamper on the abilities of the sport pilot, but the time to complete the course is dramatically lessened.

The Sport Pilot certificate was created in September 2004 after years of work by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). The intent of the new rule was to lower the barriers of entry into aviation and make flying more affordable and accessible.


The new rule also created the Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category of aircraft which are smaller, lower-powered aircraft. The sport pilot certificate offers limited privileges mainly for recreational use. It is the only powered aircraft certificate that does not require a medical certificate; a valid vehicle driver’s license can be used as proof of medical competence provided the prospective pilot was not rejected for their last Airman Medical Certificate (see Sport Pilot Catch 22).


Before a trainee can start the solo phase of flight training, a Student Sport Pilot Certificate must be issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These may be obtained from an FAA Flight Standards District Office or FAA Designated Pilot Examiner.


To qualify for the Sport pilot certificate, an applicant must:[8]


Be at least 17 years of age

Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English

Log at least 20 hours of flight time of which at least

15 hours must be dual instruction with a qualified flight instructor

2 hours must be cross-country dual instruction

5 hours must be solo flight

Fly one solo cross-country flight over a total distance of 75 or more nautical miles to two different destinations to a full-stop landing. At least one leg of this cross-country must be over a total distance of at least 25 nautical miles (46 km).

Have received 2 hours of dual instruction in the preceding 60 days, in preparation for the Practical Test

Pass a Knowledge (written) test

Pass a Practical (oral and flight) test

Have a valid US State drivers license AND not been rejected for your last Airman Medical Certificate

…or have a current 3rd class or higher Airman Medical Certificate


The above requirements are for heavier-than-air powered aircraft (airplanes). The requirements for gliders, balloons, helicopters, and dirigibles vary slightly.


Sport Pilots are only eligible to fly aircraft that are either certified specifically as light-sport aircraft (LSA) or were certified prior to the LSA regulations and are within the maximum weight and performance limitations of light-sport aircraft.


The restrictions placed on a Pilot exercising the privileges of a Sport pilot certificate are:


No more than one passenger

Daytime flight only (civil twilight is used to define day/night)

Maximum Takeoff Weight of 1320 lbs,[9] compared to 12,500 lb (5,700 kg) of the Private Pilot Certificate or the Recreational Pilot Certificate.

No flight above 10,000 feet (3,000 m) MSL or 2,000 feet (610 m) AGL, whichever is higher (this automatically excludes flight in Class A airspace)

No flight in any of the airspace classes that require radio communication (B, C, or D) without first obtaining additional instruction and instructor endorsement


The Sport pilot certificate is also ineligible for additional ratings (such as an Instrument rating), although time in light-sport aircraft can be used towards the experience requirement of other ratings on higher certificate types.