Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Rating – CFII

Pliot Licences & Ratings

Certified Flight Instructor Instrument CFII

Flying under instrument flight rules world requires a great deal of skill and knowledge. When you become a Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument (CFII), you have the knowledge and skill to instruct instrument students to operate under instrument flight rules in the national airspace system. You will become proficient in flying all instrument approaches from the right seat of the aircraft during normal and abnormal conditions. In addition, you will have the aeronautical knowledge necessary to teach the regulations, operating procedures, etc. for conducting IFR flights.

The CFII will take an average of 10 hours or less of flight training, if you are instrument current. A significantly longer amount of time will be spent in a ground school setting honing your aeronautical knowledge. The average cost of the CFII will be about $1,500.

Below is a detailed list of the requirements for the CFII:

  • Current commercial pilot license with instrument rating
  • Current flight instructor certificate
  • Pass the flight instructor – instrument aeronautical knowledge test with at least a 70%
  • Pass the practical test
To answer any questions regarding the Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument rating, please call and speak to one of our flight instructors today!