The air travel industry is experiencing a massive surge in the number of passengers taking up flying to commute. Airlines are nearly hitting ninety percent occupancy on their regular scheduled flights at present. Clearly this is reflected in the fact that the major airlines in India have and are gearing up for expansion and recruitment.
Aviation industry has a unique feature of following the growth curve of the economy. When the economy goes down it falls with it and likewise goes up with it when it rises. It is important to be aware of the outlook and predictions of the economic growth for India and China in the next twenty to fifty years. The predictions are unquestionably positive.
Alteon, Boeing’s worldwide training organization made an interesting forecast before the unexpected recession. They forecasted that from 2007 to 2027, airlines were expected to take delivery of 29,400 new aircraft to replace old fleet and cope with the growth in demand for air travel. An average of 18,000 New Pilots and 24,000 Maintainers a year would be required to train to replace those who retire and also to crew and service the increasing numbers of aircraft in the world fleet. The estimated need over the next 20 years was for a total of 360,000 new Pilots and 480,000 new Maintainers, Alteon calculated. India and China being the largest and fastest growing economies of the world would take the lion’s share of this prediction.
Close to five hundred aircraft that have been approved by the DGCA for procurement by various aviation companies have begun delivery. With an average ratio of ten pilots to an aircraft for operational necessities, this will give rise to another five thousand pilot jobs. Adding to these are the number of new airlines on the pipeline soon to be starting operations with the growing economy, opening up many more pilot positions in the industry.
The future of pilots and other aviators is most certainly promising and our growing economy will bring with it wonderful career opportunities in the aviation industry.